Sunday, December 4, 2011

Black Cat

I finally finished watching Black Cat anime. I don't know why I only have 23 episodes while wikipedia states that the anime consists of 24 episodes. Oh well.. Anyway I can't remember the manga so I can't really compare. However, I certainly enjoy the story. I don't think the manga has the detailed story about Train and Saya so the anime is pretty good on this. I teared a bit on certain parts. I love the emo song always sung by Saya and I love the crazy music played by Creed. 

On the downside, I think the battles are disappointing and it slaughters the story which I think is pretty good. I can tell that they are lazy to think of battle scenes and create animation on them. The ending is somewhat disappointing. I thought Creed would be the final boss. So it was quite surprising to see him as a decoy. There is a more sinister plot which is done in mere 3-4 episodes. It is a nice attempt to try gathering everyone for the final fight but it is quite pointless since in the end, there is no nice action scenes for the final battle. Even up to the ending, it is not clear whether the enemies are killed and killed by who etc. Oh I almost forget that the comedy parts are a bit o_0 rather than funny.. And even though it is obvious that Kyoko serves as comic relief, she comes across as irritating rather than funny.

So yeah I have no idea what the producers are thinking when making this anime. Usually anime will 'boost' the action from the manga instead of toning down and making it dull like this.. Oh well...

Below are some pictures from DVD covers. I think they are quite lovely because they display almost all characters.
The Sweepers
Chrono Numbers
Apostles of the Star/Hoshi no Shito
Looks like the cover for the final DVD eh?

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